Draw in Georgian derby

Today, Crystalbet ErovnuliLiga 25th round match was held at Dinamo Arena, in which Dinamo Tbilisi hosted Torpedo Kutaisi.


Georgian derby started with Dinamo's attacks, from the very first minutes, the our team tried to gain a playing advantage against its principle rival. In the first ten minutes, the fans who came to Dinamo Arena saw three dangerous shots. In two cases the ball missed the goal, once Davit Skhirtladze's shot was blocked by Filip Kliaich. On the 17th minute, Mauro Caballero attacked, Giorgi Loria blocked the ball at the corner. By the 20th minute, the guests tried to intensify the game and passed several corners. On the 22nd minute, Giorgi Arabidze went face to face with the goalkeeper, Giorgi Loria did not allow Torpedo to score a goal. On the 35th minute, the goalkeeper of Kutaisi saved the goal, after a shot by Ousmane Camara. The ball was again shot by Camara, though slightly inaccurately. Towards the end of the first half, Dinamo opened the score after a beautiful combination. Saba Khvadgiani took the ball from the center of the field, missed several opponents on the way, passed it to Ousmane Camara who scored 1-0. Giorgi Loria once again showed his high class, he deflected Nikola Ninkovic's hard shot into the corner and the half was over.


In the debut of the second half, the visitors regained their balance. Irakli Bughridze took advantage of Dinamo's defensive error to make it 1-1. On the 64th minute of the match, after Ousmane Camara's attack, Lasha Odisharia, who entered the game as a substitute, was hitting the goal, the ball was blocked by the Kutaisi keeper at the last second. In the next attack, Zoran Marusic tried to score, but his header was also inaccurate. On the 78th minute, Odisharia kicked again and Kliaich was still on the spot. Torpedo's keeper Lasha Odisharia deflected the shot for the third time. In the last minutes, Dinamo gained a big game advantage, several dangerous moments were created, Camara also scored a goal, but the referee did not count it, and in the end the match finished with the score 1-1.


The next match of Andres Carrasco's team will be held in Batumi against the local Dinamo on September 24.


Match report




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