FC Dinamo Tbilisi lost with FC Tskhinvali

Today national championship 25 round match was held at Mikheil Meskhi reserve stadium. FC Dinamo Tbilisi competed with FC Tskhinvali and was defeated with the score 1:4. The match started in middle speed, Dinamo players gained territorial priority while our rival played on counter attacks. On 24th minute Saba Lobzhanidze kicked from right wing, Mate Tsintsadze received the ball and scored with header-0:1. It’s worth mentioning that Mate Tsintsadze became author of Dinamo’s 2000th goal in national championship. In next episode Manuel and Saba Lobzhanidze could score, but failed in the last moment. In the end of the first half on 39th minute Giorgi Ivanishvili attacked and equalized the score-1:1. On the last minute of the first half Manuel kicked but door bar saved the team. On 59th minute the host team started attack from right wing, Nika Kacharava received the ball and scored-2:1. On 74th minute Otar Kakabadze played roughly and the referee appointed penalty kick. Varlam Kilasonia kicked but Libor Hrdlicka saved his team. After that our team started to attack actively and on 87th minute Bidzina Makharoblidze scored the third goal. On the last minute Rati Tsatskrialashvili recorded the final result of the match.

Tskhinvali 4:1 Dinamo

Goal: 0:1 Tsintsadze 24’ 1:1 Ivanishvili 39’ 2:1 Kacharava 59’ 3:1 Makharoblidze 87’ 4:1 Tsatskrialashvili 90’

Booked: Totadze 28’ Rene 65’ Kakabadze 73’ Shergelashvili 78’ Tsintsadze 80’

Tskhinvali: Nadiradze, Shindagoridze (Tsatskrialashvili 53), Kardava, Makharoblidze, Tarkhnishvili, Kacharava (Kachkachishvili 89), Kilasonia, Bachiashvili, Tsertsvadze, Maisashvili Ivanishvili (Lekvtadze 76)

Dinamo: Hrdlicka, Kakabadze (Jighauri 75), Totadze, Rene, Shergelashvili, Tsintsadze, Parunashvili (Chirgadze 61), Lobzhanidze, Kiteishvili, Tchanturishvili (Janelidze 88), Manuel

Referee: A. Baslehlo



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