Dinamo’s one more victory

Today Dinamo Arena hosted national championship V round match. FC Dinamo Tbilisi competed with FC Zugdidi and won the match with the score 3:1. The match started with territorial and game priority of our team. On 18th minute Otar Kiteishvili kicked from corner, Giorgi Gvelesiani received the ball and scored the first goal with header 1:0. On 25th minute Lasha Parunashvili’s technical kick is also worth mentioning, although the log saved our rival’s door. The second half started with Giorgi Tvzadze’s dangerous kick from penalty area. In ten minutes Dinamo players created a good combination. Giorgi Tevzadze attacked from left wing and passed to Giorgi Kvilitaia who scored the second goal 2:0. On 62nd minute Dinamo scored one more goal. Aleksandre Iashvili started the combination. He passed to Vakho Tchanturishvili who gave good pass to Giorgi Kvilitaia and the score became 3:0. In ten minutes our rival managed to score one goal. Tsotne Samushia benefited from uncoordinated game of Dinamo’s defenders 3:1. In several minutes Vakho Tchanturishvili had chance to score but failed. Finally Dinamo recorded the fifth victory in national championship. Gia Geguchadze’s team will play the next match on September 26 against FC Dila Gori.

Dinamo 3:1 Zugdidi

Goal: 1:0 Gvelesiani 18’  2:0 Kvilitaia 56’  3:0 Kvilitaia 62’  3:1 Samushia 71’

Booked: Janelidze 73’ Tchanturishvili 78’ Bulia 85’

Dinamo: Begashvili, Tevzadze, Gvelesiani, Tchelidze, Kakabadze, Tsintsadze (Jighauri 65), Parunashvili, Kiteishvili (Iashvili 57), Tchanturishvili, Arabuli (Janelidze 62), Kvilitaia

Zugdidi: Jomidava, Tibilashvili (Narmania 67), Gavashelishvili, Z.Malania, Javashvili, Kantaria, Tkemaladze (S.Malania 63), Kiria (Tutberidze 57), Tskarozia, Ts.Samushia, Bulia

Referee: G.Kikacheishvili



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