Dinamo 4:1 Saburtalo

Today Dinamo Tbilisi played another friendly match at Andro Zhordania Dinamo training ground. Gia Geguchadze’s team competed with FC Saburtalo. Dinamo started the match actively and scored four goals in ten minutes. Jaba Jighauri scored on 8th minute, Iashvili scored in two minutes. The match went on with the territorial priority of our team. Otar Kiteishvili and Giorgi Kvilitaia were very active. In the end of the first half penalty was appointed for playing roughly against Kvilitaia. Iashvili kicked exactly and performed double. Before that Jaba Dvali kicked but inexactly. In the second half Gia Geguchadze made man changes. The fourth goal was scored as a result of Giorgi Janelidze’s, Bachana Arabuli’s and Vakho Tchanturishvili’s active game. Tchanturishvili scored. On 64th minute the guest team scored one goal. Khorkheli scored. Dinamo had chance to score for several times but the score didn’t change. Dinamo Tbilisi will officially host FC Saburtalo on August 29 in the third round of national championship.

Dinamo 4:1 Saburtalo

Goal: 1:0 Jighauri 8; 2:0 Iashvili 10’ 3:0 Iashvili 43’ (pen), 4:0 Tchanturishvili 61’ 4:1 Khorkheli 64’

Dinamo: Hrdlicka (Begashvili 46), Kakabadze  (Tvildiani 63), Rene (Gvelesiani 46), Chelidze, Tevzadze (Guruli 46), Tsintsadze, Parunashvili (Janelidze 46), Jighauri (Tchanturishvili 46), Kiteishvili (Lobzhanidze 63), Iashvili (Arabuli 46), Kvilitaia (Volkov 74)

Saburtalo: Kurdadze, Beroshvili, Margvelashvili, Mamuchashvili, Chabradze, Sopromadze, Altunishvili, Kharaishvili, Pantsulaia, Gvaradze, Goshteliani

Substitutes: Dvali, Chochishvili, Nikolaishvili, Khorkheli, Shikhashvili, Vacharadze, Bidzinashvili



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