Dinamo started the championship with victory

Today Georgian 27th national championship first round match was held at Dinamo Arena. FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Sapovnela Terjola and defeated the rival with the score 4:0. The first match started with Georgian national anthem. Dinamo gained territorial and game priority from the beginning, although Sapovnela players made dangerous counter attacks as well. On 26th minute Jaba Jighauri scored the first goal with Otar Kakabadze’s pass. On 32nd minute Dinamo door log saved the team after Giorgi Bukhaidze’s kick. In 6 minutes Aleksandre Iashvili scored the second goal. Otar Kakabadze gave him a good pass. After 20 years captain of our team scored against Sapovnela again and increased the number of goals against Terjola team to six. Our team scored the third goal in the beginning of the second half. Aleksandre Iashvili attacked and Tornike Jimshelashvili scored auto goal 3:0. During the match Vakhtang Tchanturishvili and Mate Tsintsadze had chance to score. On 64th minute Rene Fereira received the second yellow card and left the field. In 2 minutes Vakhtang Tchanturishvili gave exact pass to Jaba Jighauri who appeared alone in front of the goalkeeper and scored 4:0.

Dinamo Tbilisi will play the next match against FC Locomotive on August 21 at Mikheil Meskhi stadium.

Dinamo 4:0 Sapovnela

Goal: 1:0 Jighauri 26’ 2:0 Iashvili 38’ 3:0 Jimshelashvili (auto-goal) 50’ 4:0 Jighauri 66’

Booked: Rene 18’ 64’

Sent off: Rene 64’

Dinamo: Hrdlicka (Begashvili 57), Kakabadze, Chelidze, Rene, Tevzadze, Tsintsadze, Jighauri, Parunashvili, Kiteishvili (Tchanturishvili 53), Iashvili (Gvelesiani 66), Kvilitaia

Sapovnela: Giorgadze, Jimshelashvili, Robakidze, Ambroladze (Tavadze 46), Bandzeladze, Bukhaidze, Tkeshelashvili, Beruashvili, Shughladze (Tskipurishvili 46), Endeladze, Makaridze (Shalamberidze 75)

Referee: J.Khorava



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