Victory with FC Tskhinvali

Today Dinamo Arena hosted national championship IX round match. FC Dinamo Tbilisi competed with FC Tskhinvali and defeated the rival with the score 2:1. Both teams created dangerous moments in the beginning. Giorgi Tevzadze and Giorgi Ivanishvili played well. Dinamo scored after the next attack. Giorgi Kvilitaia scored after Otar Kiteishvili’s pass. On the 6th minute our rival equalized the score. Giorgi Ivanishvili scored. In three minutes Kvilitaia had chance to score but the ball overcame the door. On 20th minute Giorgi Nadiradze repelled Otar Kiteishvili’s kick. In 10 minutes Dinamo created another moment to score, Kvilitaia tried to score but Levan Kakubava stopped him and received a red card. Mate Tsintsadze kicked the penalty but Giorgi Nadiradze repelled the ball. After that the host team gained priority and Kiteishvili and Tevzadze attacked dangerously. In the end of the first half Giorgi Gvelesiani was sent-off. In the beginning of the second half Lasha Kochladze kicked straight to door but Begashvili saved his team. Dinamo attacked and kicked several corners. Kakabadze, Iashvili, Tevzadze and Tchanturishvili were very active. On 57th minute Otar Kakabadze kicked exactly and scored the second goal 2:1. On 74th minute Aleksandre Iashvili played well and passed to Jaba Jighauri whose kick wasn’t exact. On 83rd minute Nika Kacharava had a good chance to score. Finally nothing has changed and Dinamo gained three points.

Our team will play the next match on October 28 in Lanchkhuti. Dinamo Tbilisi will compete with FC Kolkheti Poti in the second leg of Georgian Cup 1/8 final. Our team has won the first leg with the score 1:0.

Dinamo 2:1 Tskhinvali

Goal: 1:0 Kvilitaia 3’ 1:1 Ivanishvili 6’ 2:1 Kakabadze 57’

Booked: Kakubava 23’ Rene 42’ Kardava 90’

Sent off: Kakubava 29’ Gvelesiani 44’

Dinamo: Begashvili, Kakabadze, Gvelesiani, Tevzadze, Rene, Tchanturishvili, Tsintsadze (Guruli 46), Parunashvili, Kiteishvili (Lobzhanidze 85), Iashvili, Kvilitaia (Jighauri 65)

Tskhinvali: Nadiradze, Bachiashvili, Iavnishvili, Makharoblidze (Gorgiashvili 66), Kardava, Kochladze, Tsertsvadze, Maisashvili, Kakubava, Lekvtadze (Shulaia 55, Lobzhanidze 85), Kacharava

Referee: L. Silagava



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