Dinamo won and became leader

Dinamo Arena hosted national championship X round match. Our team competed with FC Chikhura Sachkhere. The match went on with Dinamo’s total territorial and game priority. Otar Kiteishvili scored the first goal on 12th minute. This match was signified for Kiteishvili. In four minutes Kvilitaia appeared in front of Chikhura’s goalkeeper, although Tornike Grigalashvili stopped him and received red card for this. On 23rd minute Dobrovolski kicked and the ball touched Iashvili’s hand, so the referee appointed penalty kick. Libor Hrdlicka repelled Tornike Mumladze’s penalty shot. In three minute Jighauri kicked from long distance and the ball was repelled on corner. Chikhura’s goalkeeper played well for several times. In the beginning of the second half Kiteishvili kicked with header but wasn’t exact. Bachana Arabuli and Saba Lobzhanidze who entered the field in the second half were also active. The second half went on in lower speed compared to the first one. On 73rd minute Denis Dobrovolski played dangerously and his header was a bit inexact. In the end of the match Otar Kiteishvili scored the second goal and performed double. Dinamo has 25 points and became leader of national championship. Our team will play the next match on November 8 at Dinamo Arna against FC Kolkheti Poti.

Dinamo 2:0 Chikhura

Goal: 1:0 Kiteishvili 12’ 2:0 Kiteishvili 87’

Booked: Iashvili 23’ Ganugrava 45’

Sent off: Grigalashvili 16’

Dinamo: Hrdlicka, Kakabadze, Rene, Tchelidze, Tevzadze, Tsintsadze, Parunashvili, Jighauri (Arabuli 46), Kiteishvili, Iashvili (Lobzhanidze 61), Kvilitaia (Janelidze 83)

Chikhura: Kupatadze, Grigalashvili, Megrelishvili, Ganugrava, Tchetchelashvili (Tchankotadze 61), Mumladze (Dekanoidze 67), Koripadze, Kurtanidze (Sardalishvili 16), Chikvaidze, Dobrovolski, Kashia

Referee: A.Baslehlo



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