A regrettable loss in Malta

Today, the first leg match of UEFA European Conference League second stage was held at Ta' Qali National Stadium, in which Hamrun Spartans hosted Dinamo Tbilisi.


Both teams started the match in an average rhythm, and the first dangerous moment was created by Dinamo, Imran Oulad Omar shot at the goal on the 4th minute, but the goalkeeper met the ball on the spot. By the twentieth minute, the hosts already had a dangerous attack, which Jimi Tabidze finally relieved. On the 35th minute of the match, Imran and Giorgi Kharaishvili played a corner, Kharaishvili took it technically, but the ball slightly missed the goal. In the end, the half ended with no goals scored. The hosts started the second half with a change, and the guests resumed with a dangerous attack, Ousmane Camara's activity was finally replaced by Giorgi Maisuradze, but the defenders intercepted the attack. On the 51st minute, Dinamo could not use a real scoring opportunity, Barnes Osei went face-to-face with the goalkeeper, and his shot was inaccurate. The captain of our team was injured in the mentioned attack and Zoran Marusic entered the field instead of him. More than an hour after the start of the match, it was Marušić who remained face to face with the goalkeeper and the Serbian forward put the Tbilisi team ahead. After a while Marušić shot again and this time our rival was saved by the post. On the 80th minute, a penalty kick was appointed against Dinamo, which was saved by Giorgi Loria, but Joseph Mbong scored in extra time – 1:1. On the 88th minute, Ousmane Camara faced the goalkeeper, but he couldn't beat Federico Marchetti. After the corner, Zoran Marusic again and unfortunately again the post. After a while, Camara's pass and Marušić's header misses the goal of Spartans by inches. On the 98th minute of the match, Joseph Mbong's shot from the wing gave the hosts a 2-1 lead. That was the end of the match. 


Dinamo will hold the second leg match against Spartans at their own stadium on August 3, and before that, on July 29, our team will compete with FC Locomotive in Georgian Cup 1/18 round. Tbilisi derby will be held on Mikheil Meskhi 2.


Match report






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