Dinamo finished the year with victory in quarter final

Today Dinamo Arena hosted Georgian Cup quarter final second leg match. FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Torpedo Kutaisi. Our team and won the first leg with the score 1:0. In the beginning of the match Klimiashvili kicked dangerously and the active game began. In the next attack Otar Kakabadze attacked but Revaz Tevdoradze repelled. On the 10th minute Aleksandre Iashvili kicked, Giorgi Kvilitaia reached the ball and kicked with header but was a bit inexact. In two minutes Kakabadze and Klimiashvili created dangerous moments. On 18th minute Giorgi Kvilitaia scored. He received ball from Aleksandre Iashvili and kicked. On 30th minute Giorgi Guruli passed to Aleksandre Iashvili who kicked inexactly. Data Sichinava created dangerous attack although Hrdlicka saved his team. After that Jaba Jighauri and then Aleksandre Iashvili tried to score.

In the beginning of the second half the guest team equalized the score. Libor Hrdlicka repelled Irakli Klimiashvili’s kick but Gabriel Saghrishvili was left alone and managed to score 1:1. On 63rd minute our team created fast attack, Iashvili passed to Saba Lobzhanidze but his kick was repelled by Torpedo’s door log. On 69th minute Iashvili was stopped roughly by Anri Tchitchinadze and referee appointed penalty kick and sent off Tchitchinadze from the field. Mate Tsintsadze kicked penalty shot exactly and scored 2:1. Soon Kvilitaia could score but defender saved his team. On 82nd minute Otar Kakabadze was alone in front of Tevdoradze but kicked inexactly. On 87th minute Nika Tchanturia substituted Aleksandre Iashvili. He was greeted with applause. On 90th minute Lasha Parunashvili played well but the ball was repelled on corner. Finally Dinamo won with the score 2:1 and finished the year with victory.

Dinamo 2:1 Torpedo

Goal: 1:0 Kvilitaia 18’ 1:1 Saghrishvili 49’ 2:1 Tsintsadze (pen) 71’

Sent off: Tchitchinadze 69’

Dinamo: Hrdlicka, Kakabadze, Rene, Gvelesiani, Guruli, Tsintsadze, Parunashvili, Janelidze (Lobzhanidze 58), Jighauri, Iashvili (Tchanturia 87), Kvilitaia (Arabuli 84)

Torpedo: Tevdoradze, Tabatadze, Tchitchinadze, Babunashvili, Sichinava, Kukhianidze, Klimiashvili, Nergadze, Kimadze, Bregvadze, Saghrishvili

Referee: L.Silagava



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