Loss with FC Chikhura

National championship 25th round match took place in Ivantsminda. FC Chikhura Sachkhere hosted FC Dinamo Tbilisi. The guest team created the first dangerous moment. On 14th minute Bachana Arabuli played well, passed to Vakho Tchanturishvili, although door log repelled his kick. In a minute Otar Kiteishvili had chance to score but was inexact. Both teams attacked. In ten minute Libor Hrdlicka repelled Lasha Chikvaidze’s kick with fists. On 40th minute Arabuli-Jighauri-Kiteishvili played a good combination, although couldn’t score. In spite of bad weather the whole match went on in high speed. The second half although started actively. Lasha Chikvaidze and Kaba Jighauri kicked. Rene Fereira saved his team from Lasha Kuchukhidze. On 61st minute Giorgi Gvelesiani repelled Giorgi Ganugrava’s dangerous kick. Defender repelled Jaba Jighauri’s kick, Giorgi Kvilitaia also kicked but goalkeeper played well. In two minute Chikhura’s goalkeeper repelled Jaba Jighauri’s kick on corner. In the end of match penalty kick was appointed against Dinamo. Libor Hrdlicka repelled Misha Sardalishvili’s kick, although Sardalishvili kicked again and recorded the final result of the match. These teams will compete on April 20 at Dinamo Arena in Georgian Cup first leg semi-final match.

Chikhura 1:0 Dinamo

Goal: 1:0 Sardalishvili 89’

Booked: Rene 67’ 

Chikhura: Hamzic, Ganugrava, Gabadze (Tchankotadze 21), Kuchukhidze, Koripadze, Tchetchelashvili (Vukasovic 46), Sardalishvili, Chikvaidze, Dobrovolski, Kashia ©, Rekhviashvili

Dinamo: Hrdlicka, Kakabadze (Guruli 56), U.Lobzhanidze, Rene, Gvelesiani ©, Tchelidze, Jighauri, Kiteishvili Ttevzadze 87), Tchanturishvili, Arabuli (S.Lobzhanidze 69), Kvilitaia

Referee: G.Kikacheishvili



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