Victory with FC Tskhinvali

Today FC Tskhinvali hosted FC Dinamo Tbilisi in national championship 24th round at Mikheil Meskhi reserve stadium. The match went on with the priority of our team although FC Tskhinvali managed to score 2 goals and equalize the score. Dinamo scored two more goals and won the match with the score 4:2. It’s worth mentioning that Dinamo footballers Mate Tsintsadze, Otar Kakabadze, Rene Fereira and Mikel Alvaro missed the match because of traumas.

In the beginning of the match Aleksandre Iashvili gave exact pass to Nikoloz Gelashvili who appeared alone with the goalkeeper although door log repelled his kick. On 16th minute the guest team opened the score as a result of nice combination. 

Captain kicked from penalty area, Ucha Lobzhanidze received the ball and passed to Vakho Tchanturishvili who scored. In two minutes Vakho had a chance to score again but was inexact. On 24th minute referee appointed penalty on Giorgi Gvelesiani. Aleksandre Iashvili kicked and Giorgi Nadiradze repelled the ball although our captain kicked again and scored the second goal. After that the host team attacked and Libor Hrdlicka repelled Giorgi Ivanishvili’s kick. In the next episode penalty was appointed against Dinamo. Tornike Gorgiashvili kicked exactly- 1:2. On 38th minute Slovak goalkeeper saved his team from Tornike Gorgiashvili’s kick on the last minute. FC Tskhinvali created the first dangerous moment of the second half. Hrdlicka repelled Lasha Kochladze’s kick. On 62nd minute Tskhinvali equalized the score. Giga Bechvaia kicked. On 74th and 76th minute Giorgi Kvilitaia who substituted Gelashvili performed double. For the first time, he kicked strongly from long distance and then kicked penalty. In five minutes Lekvtadze kickd and Giga Bechvaia had good chance to score but failed. On 83rd minute Aleksandre Iashvili failed to score when ball overcame our rival’s door. In this episode Kvilitaia’s pass with breast is worth mentioning. Finally Dinamo gained one more victory and gathered 64 points.

Our team will play the next match in Ivantsminda against FC Chikhura Sachkhere on April 16.

Tskhinvali 2:4 Dinamo

Goal: 0:1 Tchanturishvili 16’ 0:2 Iashvili 24’ 1:2 Gorgiashvili (pen) 29’ 2:2 Bechvaia 62’ 2:3 Kvilitaia 74’ 2:4 Kvilitaia (pen) 76’

Booked: Parunashvili 8’ Kakubava 22’ Amisulashvili 28’ Tchanturishvili 31’ U.Lobzhanidze 44’ Nadiradze 75’

Tskhinvali: Nadiradze, Gorgiashvili, Bechvaia, Lekvtadze, Maisashvili, Japaridze, Kakubava, Bachiashvili, Kochladze, Nozadze (Isiani 28), Ivanishvili

Dinamo: Hrdlicka, U.Lobzhanidze, Amisulashvili, Gvelesiani, Tevzadze (Arabuli 67’), Tchelidze, Parunashvili, Kiteishvili (Jighauri 60), Tchanturishvili, Iashvili, Gelashvili (Kvilitaia 55)

Referee: A.Baslehlo



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