Victory against Maccabi Haifa F.C

FC Dinamo Tbilisi played the third sparring match in Bischofshofen, Austria. Our team competed with Maccabi Haifa F.C. Our team started the match with two dangerous attacks. Parunashvili and Coureur played actively although defenders played well. Then Stefan Velev had chance to score but goalkeeper saved his team. On 29th minute Giorgi Kvilitaia kicked header after Lasha Parunashvili’s pass and scored the first goal. In five minutes Dinamo scored again. Stefan Velev gave technical pass to Kvilitaia, who had chance to score but log repelled the ball and went to Otar Kiteishvili who scored-2:0. Juraj jarabek’s team started the second half actively and Giorgi Tevzadze had chance to score during the first minutes. Several substitutions were made in Dinamo in the second half and finally defeated Maccabi Haifa F.C with the score 2:0.

On July 4 Dinamo will compete with FC Dynamo Kiev. Before that one more sparring match was planned on July 1 against LASK Linz.

Dinamo 2:0 Maccabi

Dinamo: Scribe, Lobzhanidze, Amisulashvili© (Tchelidze 60), Rene, Tevzadze (Alvaro 64), Parunashvili (Tsintsadze 68), Velev, Jighauri (Spicic 46), Coureur (Volkov 77), Kiteishvili (Mikeltadze 77), Kvilitaia (Gelashvili 68)

Maccabi: Levita, Menachem, Valiente, Labshi, Lavi, Obraniak, Mugrabi, Ryan, Vermouth ©, Rukavytsya , Abu Abaid



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