Dinamo’s 600th victory

Today Dinamo Arena hosted 28th national championship second leg of play-off match between FC Dinamo Tbilisi and FC Saburtalo. The match on November 30 between these teams finished without goals. Today Dinamo started the match actively and created several attacks in the beginning. On 8th minute Mate Tsintsadze kicked but door log saved our rival. On 25th minute Giorgi Papunashvili kicked from corner, Saburtalo’s defender repelled but Giorgi Zaria received the ball and scored the first goal. In the end of the first half Wagner Gonsalvesh played well and kicked failed to score. Dinamo created the first dangerous attack in the second half as well. Giorgi Zaria kicked from corner, Akaki Khubutia received the ball with header but missed the target. On 71st minute Saburtalo kicked from corner. Tevdore Grigalashvili kicked header but missed the target. In the end of the match our rival played actively and attacked. On 85th minute Giorgi Kharaishvili had a good chance to score but failed. Finally the match finished with the victory of Dinamo. This was the 600th victory of ourteam in national championship. On December 10 Tengiz Burjanadze stadium in Gori will host the match for the third place. Our team will compete with FC Dinamo Batumi.

Dinamo 1:0 Saburtalo

Goal: 1:0 Zaria 25’

Booked: Grigalashvili 61’ Lochoshvili 69’ Jighauri 87’

Dinamo: Revishvili, Tchelidze, Khubutia, Rene, Lochoshvili, Tsintsadze, Kiteishvili, Papunashvili (Ninua 86), Zaria (Chakvetadze 78), Jighauri, Mikeltadze 

Saburtalo: Goshadze, Iashvili, Margvelashvili, Grigalashvili, Chabradze, Mamuchashvili (Kokhreidze 80), Terra (Nadaraia 62), Kharaishvili, Wagner, Pantsulaia (Khuanphar 74), Santi Khara

Referee: Jeneri Khorava

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