Dinamo defeated Shukura

Today national championship XII round match was held at Chele Arena in Kobuleti. FC Shukura hosted FC Dinamo Tbilisi. In the beginning Papunashvili-Zaria-Mikeltadze’s combination failed. In response the host team attacked. Guruli and Komikhadze were active. On tenth minute Zaria attacked, but goalkeeper repelled his kick from long distance. Soon Giorgi Beriashvili kicked header, but inexactly. Both teams attacked and mainly in the center. On 28th minute Beka Mikeltadze attacked and Dzioev repelled. On 30th minute Giorgi Papunashvili kicked from corner, Beka Mikeltadze received and kicked straight to Shukura’s door but missed the target. Zaza Tchelidze received the ball and kicked- 0:1. After 10 minutes of the second half Jaba Jighauri couldn’t reach Otar Kiteishvili’s kick. On 62nd minute Shukura attacked, but Dinamo’s defenders played well. Dinamo had territorial priority in the second half. On 78th minute Shukura created a dangerous attack but Mikheil Khubutia saved Dinamo. On the last minute of the match Parunashvili was injured and Nika Ninua substituted him. This was his first match in Dinamo. The match finished soon and Dinamo gained three points. Our team will play the next match on November 19 against FC Locomotive.

Shukura 0:1 Dinamo


Goal: 0:1 Tchelidze 30’


Booked: Rene 56’ Tchezhia 86’


Shukura: Dzioev, Japaridze, Mirtskhulava, Adamadze, Chachua, Arziani (Kutalia 46), Arziani, Tchezhia (Shalamberidze 87), Komakhidze, Gurulia, Zhefiniu (Tchanukvadze 65), Beriashvili


Dinamo: Revishvili, Lobzhanidze, Rene, Khubutia, Tchelidze, Tsintsadze, Kiteishvili, Jighauri, Zaria (Parunashvili 77, Ninua 94)), Papunashvili (Tevzadze 89), Mikeltadze


Referee: Davit Kharitonashvili



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