Locomotive 1:0 Dinamo

Today Mikheil Meskhi stadium hosted Tbilis derby. FC Locomotive hosted FC Dinamo Tbilisi. Beka MIkeltadze created the first dangerous moment of the match, but Revaz Tevdoradze repelled. On 23rd minute Dinamo attacked. Bakar Kardava attacked, he passed the defender of the rival but missed the target. After that Bogdan Myshenko kicked but inexactly. In the next episode Beka Mikeltadze gained the ball and passed to Giorgi Chakvetadze who missed the target. Sergey Litovchenko repelled Irakli Sikharulidze’s kick on corner. On 36th minute Ghonghadze played roughly against Kiteishvili. Giorgi Papunashvili performed free kick but inexactly.

In the beginning of the second half Dinamo created two dangerous attacks. At first Giorgi Papunashvili attacked, for the second time Bachana Arabuli received the ball from Giorgi Chakvetadze and kicked. Tevdoradze saved his team in both episodes. On 54th minute Mamia Gavashelishvili kicked from short distance but missed the target. In the next episode Locomotive scored. Nodar Kavtaradze is the author of the only goal. After that Giorgi Kiknadze kicked with header but Litovchenko received the ball. On 81st minute Dinamo created fast attack. After Bakar Kardava’s pass Giorgi Kutsia attacked but he was stopped. Referee appointed free kick and Otar Kiteishvili missed the target. Dinamo attacked massively. KIteishvili kicked from long distance but failed to score. Finally nothing has changed and Dinamo lost with the score 1:0. Our team will play the next match on March 15. Dinamo will compete with FC Algeti Marneuli in Georgian Cup 1/16 final stage.

Locomotive 1:0 Dinamo

Goal: 1:0 Kavtaradze 56’ 

Booked: Sikharulidze 31’ Tchanturia 40’  Gvelesiani 48’  Gavashelishvili 66’  Ghonghadze 87’ 


Locomotive: Tevdoradze, Tchanturia (Chiteishvili 61), Sikharulidze, Kavtaradze, Gavashelishvili (Samurkasov 67), Diasamidze, Komakhidze (Kiknadze 72), Ghonghadze, Gabadze, Rekhviashvili, Ubilava


Dianmo: Litovchenko, Lochoshvili, Totadze, Gvelesiani, Mishenko (Zaria 87), Kardava, Kiteishvili, Mikeltadze, Papunashvili (Kutsia 73), Chakvetadze, Arabuli (Kvernadze 64)


Referee: L. Silagava

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