Dinamo defeated Torpedo – 2:0

Today Erovnuli Liga 9th round match took place in Kutaisi. FC Torpedo Kutaisi hosted FC Dinamo Tbilisi. 64th derby started quietly. Our team kicked two corners in the beginning of the match but nothing interesting happened. On 15th minute Bogdan Mishenko created two dangerous moments, Otar Kiteishvili kicked but Roin Kvaskhvadze repelled well. On 25th minute Torpedo was saved from goal. Mikeltadze-Kiteishvili-Arabuli created combination and Arabuli kicked but goalkeeper repelled in the last moment. On 34th minute Beka Tughushi tried to score but missed the target. On 41st minute Giorgi Tevzadze kicked from left wing, Bachana Arabuli played well and scored the first goal. In three minutes Arabuli had chance to perform double, but failed. On the last minute of the first half Lasha Totadze kicked, goalkeeper repelled badly and Mikeltadze tried to score but failed. Dinamo won the first half with the score 1:0. Our team started the second half actively. After several minutes Bogdan Mishenko attacked from right wing and kicked but missed the target. In the next episode Giorgi Chakvetadze passed to Arabuli, but finally Kvaskhvadze repelled the attack. After that Giorgi Tevzadze kicked but door log saved Torpedo. On 57th minute Arabuli received the ball, passed Torpedo footballer, although goalkeeper repelled again. Dinamo had big priority. Giorgi Tevzadze attacked but missed the target. On 61st minute Sabanadze kicked header, but inexactly. After that Torpedo improved the game and both teams attacked. On 69th minute Giorgi Chakvetadze passed to Tevzadze who kicked exactly and scored the second goal. On 79th minute Torpedo had real chance to score. Nika Sabanadze appeared alone in front of goalkeeper. Sergei Litovchenko took his kick. Ninua had also chance to score in the end of the match but failed. Finally Dinamo defeated Torpedo with the score 2:0. Our team will play the next match on May 5 against FC Kolkheti Poti.

Torpedo 0:2  Dinamo


Goal: 0:1 Arabuli 41’  0:2 Tevzadze 69’ 

Booked: Kiteishvili 63’  Zaria 87’  Papunashvili 91’  Dolidze 91’ 


Torpedo: R. Kvaskhvadze, Tshitschinadze, Khurtsilava, Mamasakhlisi (Babunashvili 46), Kukhianidze (Kapanadze 73), Sabanadze, Guruli, Dolidze, Kimadze, Gigauri, Tughushi (Tabatadze 55)

Dinamo: Litovchenko, Mishenko, Gvelesiani, Lochoshvili, Totadze, Kardava (Ninua 83), Kiteishvili, Tevzadze, Chakvetadze (Zaria 71), Mikeltadze, Arabuli (Papunashvili 77)


Referee: D.Kharitonashvili



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