Dinamo won Tbilisi derby

Today Dinamo Arena hosted Tbilisi derby. FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Locomotive. Our team created a dangerous attack on the second minute of the match. Saba Lobzhanidze started attack, Otar Kiteishvili continued it but missed the target. In response Nodar Kavtaradze played well. ON 14th minute Kiteishvili passed to Beka Mikelltadze, who kicked inexactly. On 28th minute Dinamo’s attack had result. Beka Mikeltadze attacked from right wing, Giorgi Papunashvili received the ball and scored. In eight minutes Dinamo scored the second goal. Saba Lobzhanidze played well in the center, passed to Kiteishvili, who kicked from 30 meters distance and scored. On 43rd minute our team had chance to score the third goal, Giorgi Papunashvili missed the target. The second half was renewed with DInamo’s attack and Kiteishvili played a bit inexactly. In response Locomotive had chance although Litovcheko received ball after Kavtaradze’s kick. On 57th minute Dinamo started fast counter attack, Revaz Tevdoradze repelled Bachana Arabuli’s kick. On 6th minute Beka Mikeltadze technically passed to Bachana Arabuli, his kick touched Tevdoradze, then Tomashvili and went straight to door. In the end of the match Tevdoradze repelled one more ball. Finally Dinamo won eight match in turn and is on the first place in the table. Our team will play the next match on May 14 in Gori, against FC Dila.  

Dinamo 3:0  Locomotive


Goal: 1:0 Papunashvili 28’  2:0 Kiteishvili 36’  3:0 Tomashvili (auto-goal) 64’ 

Booked: Kutsia 76’ 


Dinamo: Litovchenko, Kutsia, Gvelesiani, Lochoshvili, Totadze Kardava, Kiteishvili, Papunashvili (Meskhi 91), Mikeltadze, Lobzhanidze (Tevzadze 82), Arabuli (Chakvetadze 75)

Locomotive: Tevdoradze, Kavtaradze, Kiknadze (Diasamidze 50), Komakhidze, Khidesheli, Tomashvili (Tchanturia 78), Rekhviashvili, Ubilava, Ardazishvili (Arveladze 53), Gavashelishvili, Sikharulidze


Referee: G. Kikacheishvili

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