Dinamo played draw in Gori

Both teams started the match carefully. The first dangerous moment was created by Dinamo’s captain when he kicked from long distance, although the ball changed direction. Both teams tried to gain priority. On 22nd minute Luka Lochoshvili who broke the attack of Dila on right wing. In several minutes Otar Kiteishvili played well, passed to Giorgi Papunashvili, but goalkeeper repelled. On 35th minute Dinamo kicked two corners. The first one appeared to be dangerous. Defender repelled Bachara Arabuli’s kick. On 40th minute Lasha Totadze played well, he passed to Bachana Arabuli who went straight to door and gave an exact pass to Saba Lobzhanidze. He kicked to Papunashvili who scored the first goal of the match. The first half finished with Dinamo’s priority and the second half started actively. On 63rd minute Papunashvili kicked from left wing, Bachana Arabuli receved and kicked but missed the target. Dila started to attack. On 70th minute Beka Mikeltadze received the second yellow card and left the field. In 5 minutes door log saved our team from Goderdzi Machaidze’s kick. On 83rd minute Jean Deretti scored after corner kick. Nothing has changed in the rest of the time and match finished with draw 1:1. Our team will play the next match at Dinamo Arena on May 21 against FC Samtredia. 

Dila  1:1  Dinamo


Goal: 0:1 Papunashvili 40’  1:1 Deretti 83’ 

Booked: Mikeltadze 15’ 70’  Dzaria 24’  Totadze 32’   Gvelesiani 36’   Deretti 77’

Sent off: Mikeltadze 70’


Dila: Mujrishvili, Kvakhadze, Etou (Popkhadze 60), Karkuzashvili, Machaidze, papava, Tsikaridze, Deretti, Dzaria (Kirkitadze 46), Leandro, Tarawallie (Flavio 67)

Dinamo: Litovchenko, Mishenko, Totadze, Lochoshvili, Gvelesiani, Kardava, Kiteishvili, Papunashvili (Chakvetadze 64), Mikeltadze, Lobzhanidze, (Salukvadze 92), Arabuli (Tevzadze 73)


Referee: L.Silagava



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