Loss with NK Rudeš

FC Dinamo Tbilisi played the second sparring match in Slovenia against Croatian NK Rudeš. Sergey Litovchenko, Lasha Totadze, Bogdan Mishenko and Giorgi Tevzadze didn’t play this match because of micro traumas. Dinamo started the match actively. Mikeltadze played well but goalkeeper repelled. On 14th minute ball touched Kapianidze’s hand and penalty was appointed. Havojić kicked penalty exactly and scored the first goal. After that Mikeltadze and Shulaia had chance to equalize the score but door log saved NK Rudeš. In response our rival scored the second goal on 35th minute. Dinamo created two dangerous attacks but failed to score. Goalkeeper repelled Shulaia’s kick on corner. After corner kick Salukvadze kicked but door log saved NK Rudeš again. In the beginning of the second half Entrena scored the third goal. ON 74th minute Nika Piliev played technically well, passed several footballers and finally he was stopped. Penalty was appointed. Salukvadze kicked but goalkeeper took penalty. After that nothing has changed. Our team will play the last match on camp against FC Zorya.


Dinamo  0:3  Rudes

Goal: 0:1 Havojić (pen) 14’  0:2 Mesarić 35’  0:3 Entrena 50’ 

Dinamo: Revishvili, Gegechkori, Kapianidze, Salukvadze, Ninua, Kardava (Dartsmelia 46), Kvaratskhelia (Gamtsemlidze 58), Shulaia (Kharshiladze 68), Mikeltadze (Piliev 60), Kochladze, Kovtaliuk (Ergemlidze 68)  

Rudes: Hendija, Franić, Borevković, Mesarić, Turcin, Ivančić, Vuco, Boršić, Komsic, Kamenar, Havojić

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