Dinamo defeated Chikhura

Today Erovnuli Liga 32nd round match took place at Mikheil Meskhi stadium. FC Chikhura Sachkhere hosted FC Dinamo Tbilisi. The match started in low speed and Dinamo created the first dangerous moment. On 8th minute Beka Mikeltadze kicked from long distance but door log saved the ball. In the next episode Zurab Mtskerashvili saved his team and repelled Akaki Shulaia’s kick on corner. Dinamo attacked and opened the score on 15th minute. Bakar Kardava received the ball in center and scored with strong kick. Mtskerashvili repelled Beka Mikeltadze’s kick in the next episode. In the end of the first half Dinamo gained priority once more and Lasha Totadze scored about 30 meters. One minute was passed after starting the second half when Otar Kvernadze benefited from Lasha Totadze’s mistake and scored-1:2. Totadze had chance to score but missed the target. On 59th minute Akaki Shulaia received the ball from Otar Kiteishvili and scored the third goal. After that Mikeltadze-Kiteishvili’s combination is worth mentioning, but it didn’t finish with goal. In the rest of the time no more dangerous moments were created except Kiteishvili’s fast attack. Finally our team won with the score 3:1. FC Dinamo Tbilisi will play the next match in Kutaisi at Ramaz Shengelia stadium against local FC Torpedo. Georgian Cup semi-final between these teams will take place on November 1.


Chikhura  1:3  Dinamo


Goal: 0:1 Kardava 15’  0:2 Totadze 41’  1:2 Kvernadze 46’  1:3 Shulaia 59’ 

Booked: Chikvaidze 50’ Totadze 77’


Chikhura: Mtskerashvili (Hamzic 64), Grigalashvili, Mirtskhulava, Poniava, Ganugrava, Kakubava, Lekvtadze, Kvernadze (Gabedava 61), Chikvaidze, Dobrovolski (Ivanishvili 67), Dekanoidze

Dinamo: Litovchenko, Gegechkori, Salukvadze, Totadze, Kobouri, Kardava (Gadran 90), Zaria (Ninua 80) Kiteishvili, Shulaia, Mikeltadze, Kavtaradze (Kochladze 83)


Referee: A. Nonikashvili

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