The victory of the second team against FC Martvili

The match of the 27th round was held in the Liga 2, in which the second team of Dinamo hosted FC Merani Martvili.


The match was interesting and tense. Raul Baratelia opened the score in the debut of the match, and Javakhir Esankulov made the score 1-1 on the 16th minute. After a while, Nika Ugrekhelidze put the capital team forward again, and Esankulov restored the status quo for the second time at the end of the half. The second half continued rigidly, despite the moments, an accurate and effective combination was not played until the end of the match. On the 85th minute, Aleksandre Peikrishvili's accurate shot and Dinamo advanced for the third time in the match. Temur Gognadze's goal in the time compensated by the referee fixed the final score. The match finished 4-2 in favor of Dinamo.


Vladimer Kakashvili's team will hold the next match at the start of the fourth round, on September 30. Dinamo will host FC Spaer. After 27 rounds, Dinamo-2 is on the fifth place with 44 points.


Match report





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