Dinamo’s sparring with FC Tskhinvali

Before renewing Erovnuli Liga Dinamo played a friendly match. Our team hosted FC Tskhinvali at Dighomi training ground. The match went on with Dinamo’s priority and the first half finished with its victory 3:1. Mate Vatsadze performed double during the first 10 minutes. Mate scored the first goal after Ergemlidze’s pass. The second goal was followed by Paata Kiteishvili’s corner kick. On 20th minute Giorgi Ivanishvili scored the third goal. On 30th minute Shalamberidze scored one goal with penalty in favor of Tskhinvali.  The second half started with Dinamo’s attacks and our rival was saved for several times from goal. In the end of the match Maghaldadze kicked with penalty and the match finished with the score 3:2. Stepan Sikach was goalkeeper and Luka Gilmore who is on trial tests in Dinamo played on right wing. Gilmore played in U19 team several days ago and scored a goal. Besides this, Luka Kapianidze, who was injured and missed several months, returned to the field. On August 3 Dinamo Tbilisi will host FC Rustavi in Erovnuli Liga 19th round match.


Dinamo 3:2 Tskhinvali

Dinamo: Sikach, Kobouri, Totadze, Kapianidze, Gilmore, Kardava, Kutsia, Ergemlidze, P.Kiteishvili, Ivanishvili, Vatsadze

Substitutes in the second half: Lochoshvili, Dartsmelia, Kochladze, Shulaia, Babunadze

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