Dinamo defeated FC Locomotive

Today Erovnuli Liga 20th round match took place at Mikheil Meskhi stadium. FC Locomotive hosted FC Dinamo Tbilisi. Both teams started actively the 50th derby. The guest team created the first dangerous moment. Luka Sherozia repelled Levan Kharabadze’s kick. In response Mamia Gavashelishvili played well, kicked, although Stepan Sikach saved his team on the last minute. On 14th minute the first goal was scored. Akaki Shulaia passed and Budu Zivzivadze scored.  On 28th minute Budu missed the chance to score the second goal after Mate Vatsadze’s pass. But on 34th minute he benefited from Luka Sherozia’s mistake and scored the 2nd goal. In 5 minutes Dmitro Ivanisenia scored the third goal. The first half finished with this score. In the beginning of the second half Dmitro Ivanisenia was injured and Bakar Kardava substituted him. On 48th minute Budu Zivzivadze performed hattrick after Kardava’s pass. After that Locomotive created two dangerous attacks and Sikach played well in both episodes. On 54th and 77th minutes Mamia Gavashelishvili scored two goals. Before Locomotive’s second goal Zivzivadze missed the chance  to score again. Finally the match finished with Dinamo’s victory 4:2. On August 18 our team will compete with FC Samtredia at Dinamo Arena.  


Locomotive 2:4 Dinamo


Goal: 0:1 Zivzivadze 14’  0:2 Zivzivadze 34’  0:3 Ivanisenia 39’  0:4 Zivzivadze 48’  1:4 Gavashelishvili 54’  2:4 Gavashelishvili 77’ 

Booked: Kardava 66’ 


Locomotive: Sherozia, Dzebniauri (Davitashvili 46), Tchanturia, Shonia, Gavashelishvili, Komakhidze, Injgia (Ardazishvili 54), Lobzhanidze, Ubilava, Samurkasov (Gvalia 71), Kobakhidze

Dinamo: Sikach, Rukhaia, Totadze, Lochoshvili, Kharabadze, Ninua (Dartsmelia 68), Ivanisenia (Kardava 48), Kobouri (Ivanishvili 62), Shulaia, Vatsadze, Zivzivadze


Referee: P. Macharadze

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