Dinamo defeated Saburtalo-2:1

Today Erovnuli Liga 24th round central match took place at Dinamo Arena, in which FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Saburtalo. The guest team started the match actively. On 3rd minute Giorgi Kokhreidze’s missed the target a bit. In the next episode Kokhreidze was left offside. On 9th minuteDinamo created dangerous attack. Nika Ninua kicked from corner and Levan Shengelia received the ball and kicked immediately, although the ball overcame Saburtalo’s door. After that Dinamo gained priority although without real moments to score. On 27th minute Dmitro Ivanisenia kicked after Nika Ninua’s pass, although he missed the target. In several minutes Kupatadze repelled Lasha Totadze’s strong kick. On 42nd minute Stepan Sikach saved his team from goal. He repelled Volkovi’s kick on corner. In the end of the first half Gagi Margvelashvili scored the first goal.In the second half Dinamo attacked more. On 50th minute Ninua failed to score. On 58th minute Levan Shengelia played well on left wing, passed well and Mate Vatsadze kicked straight to door. Kupatadze repelled but ball touched Giorgi Rekhviashvili and auto-goal was recorded-1:1.  After this goal few dangerous moments were created.  10 minutes were left before the end of the match when Levan Kharabadze couldn’t finish combination with goal. During additional time Levan Kharabadze received ball on right wing, deceived the rival and scored his first goal in Dinamo with exact and technical kick.


Dinamo  2:1  Saburtalo

Goal: 0:1 Margvelashvili 45+4’  1:1 Rekhviashvili (a.g.) 58’  2:1 Shengelia 90+3’

Booked: Kobouri 23’  Rekhviashvili 33’  Kupatadze 45’  Kharabadze 82’ 


Dinamo: Sikach, Kobouri (Ivanishvili 77), Totadze, Lochoshvili, Kharabadze, Kardava, Ivanisenia (Vatsadze 57), Shulaia, Ninua, Shnegelia, Zivzivadze (Kochladze 66)

Saburtalo: Kupatadze, Iashvili, Margvelashvili, Rekhviashvili, Lakvekheliani, Tera (Tatanashvili 79), Gorgiashvili, Diasamidze (Altunashvili 66), Volkovi, Gonsalves, Kokhreidze (Targamadze 73)


Referee: J. Khorava


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