Dinamo renewed championship with victory

Today Erovnuli Liga was renewed. FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Rustavi at Dinamo Arena. Kakhi Kacharava made several changes in the squad. Stepan Sikach was goalkeeper and Budu Zivzivadze played together with Mate Vatsadze in attack. Mate Vatsadze created the first dangerous moment of the match on 6th minute. His kick from long distance was a bit inexact. The host team gained priority soon. Mate Vatsadze, Akaki Shulaia and Budu Zivzivadze played actively, but without result. On 19th minute Akaki Shulaia scored the first goal after Davit Kobouri’s exact pass. On 27th minute Dinamo missed a real moment to score. Budu Zivzivadze attacked but missed the target. In the next episode he attacked from right wing, passed to Nika Ninua who kicked exactly and scored the second goal 2:0. The first half finished with Dinamo’s victory. In the beginning of the second half both teams played in low speed. Our team had territorial priority. On 65th minute Budu Zivzivadze kicked, but door log saved Rustavi from goal. In the end of the match our rival managed to score one goal. Elguja Lobzhanidze scored. Finally the match finished with the victory of Dinamo Tbilisi 2:1.  


Dinamo  2:1  Rustavi


Goal: 1:0 Shulaia 19’  2:0 Ninua 34’  2:1 Lobzhanidze 90’ 

Booked: Lobzhanidze 39’ Kirkitadze 48’ Kobouri 92’


Dinamo: Sikach, Rukhaia, Totadze, Lochoshvili, Kobouri, Ninua (Zaria 78), Ivanisenia, Kharabadze, Shulaia Vatsadze (Kardava 60), Zivzivadze (Ergemlidze 86)

Rustavi: Sepiashvili, Kirkitadze V.Kilasonia, Ghonghadze, Gujabidze (Sichinava 67), Papava, Tarkhnishvili, Martsvaladze (Kvaratskhelia 46), Tsitskishvili (Chogadze 67), Bugulov, Lobzhanidze


Referee: G. Vadachkoria


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