Dinamo defeated Rustavi with the score 3:1

Crystalbet Erovnuli Liga 7th round match took place at Dinamo Arena. FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Rustavi. The match started with the priority of Rustavi and Lasha Kochladze had chance to score. Our team changed the situation in several minutes and attacked Rustavi from both wings. Akaki Shulaia attacked from left wing, although he missed the target. On 29th minute penalty was appointed against FC Rustavi as a result of Levan Kutalia’s good game. Levan Shengelia kicked penalty exactly and scored the first goal. In four minutes Akaki Shulaia scored the second goal. In several minutes Dmitro Ivanisenya had chance to score, but Gogi Kulua repelled. In the end of the first half Abdel Medioub kicked but defender and goalkeeper played well. The second half started with Dinamo’s massive attacks. During 5 minutes period Levan Shengelia, Levan Kutalia and Giorgi Zaria missed chances to score. On 50th minute Kulua repelled Medioub’s kick. On 56th minute Levan Kutalia kicked from approximately 20 meters but missed the target. In three minutes Dinamo increased the score with nice combination. Ninua-Carbia-Shulaia-Kutalia-Shengelia’s combination finished with goal 3:0. In several minutes the guest team had chance to score, but Abdel Medioub played well. On 72nd minute 17 years old Irakli Azarovi entered the field instead of Levan Kutalia. This was his first match with our first team. On 76th minute FC Rustavi scored one goal. Luka Imnadze kicked exactly. In 10 minutes Antonio Rojano had chance to score after Azarovi’s pass, but he kicked badly. Nothing has changed after that and finally Dinamo defeated FC Rustavi with the score 3:1. Our team will play the next match on April 12 against FC Dila Gori.  


Dinamo  3:1  Rustavi


Goal: 1:0 Shengelia (pen) 29’  2:0 Shulaia 33’  3:0 Shengelia 58’  3:1 Imnadze 76’ 

Booked: Narimanidze 29’  Chogadze 44’  Mongil 57’  Tsitskishvili 88’ 


Dinamo: Perales, Iashvili, Medioub, Mongil, Noche, Ivanisenya, Ninua, Shengelia (Rojano 61), Zaria (Carbia 55), Shulaia, Kutalia (Azarovi 72)

Rustavi: Kulua, Gadrani, Kipiani (Kapanadze 69), Kochladze, Chogadze, Narimanidze (Imnadze 46), Gistarov, Takulov, Silagadze, Poniava, Japiashvili


Referee: G. Avazashvili

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