Victory with FC Sioni

Today Crystalbet Erovnuli Liga 11th round match was held at Dinamo Arena. FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Sioni Bolnisi. Before starting the match spectators of the stadium welcomed Dinamo U15 team. Vakhtang Iagorashvili’s players won Daraselia Cup several days ago. Despite of heavy reain the match started in high tempus. Dinamo’s first dangerous attack was followed by the goal. Levan Kutalia scored on the 4th minute. In response FC Sioni had chance to equalize the score, but Guja Rukhaia repelled Davit Kirkitadze’s kick. After that two goals were scored in 2 minutes. At first Giorgi Papava scored after Nika Ninua’s kick. Then Vili Isiani scored from long distance.  On 38th minute Giorgi Kukhianidze kicked but door log saved Sioni. After that Levan Shengelia had chance to score. Dinamo started the second half actively and defender saved Sioni from Levan Kutalia’s goal. On 61 st minute Kutalia-Shengelia-Kutalia’s combination was followed by goal – 3:1. In the next episode Giorgi Kukhianidze had chance to score but goalkeeper played well. On 83rd Fran Carbia was injured and he was replaced by Irakli Azarovi. On 85th minute Bakar Kardava scored the 4th goal after corner kick. Victor Mongil recorded the final result of the match and scored his first goal in our team. Dinamo will play the next match on May 11 in Batumi against FC Dinamo Batumi.


Dinamo  5:1  Sioni


Goal: 1:0 Kutalia 4’  2:0 Papava 25’  2:1 V.Isiani 27’  3:1 Kutalia 61’  4:1 Kardava 85’  5:1 Mongil 91’

Booked: Ugulavaა 12’  Khmaladze 34’  Chachua 89’


Dinamo: Perales, Rukhaia, Mongil, Medioub, Iashvili, Ninua, Papava, Shengelia (Carbia 73, Azarovi 83), Kukhianidze (Kardava 78), Shulaia, Kutalia

Sioni: L. Isiani, Tomashvili, Apakidze, Chachua, Sukhiashvili, Khmaladze (Razhamahvili 72), Tarkhnishvili, Kikava (Makatsaria 63), Kirkitadze (Targamadze 46), V. Isiani, Ugulava 

Referee: I. Kvirikashvili

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