Dinamo is on the first place

Crystalbet Erovnuli Liga 21st round match was held at Dinamo Arena, in which FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Dinamo Batumi. The host team started the match actively. On 4th minute Giorgi Papava scored after Giorgi Kimadze’s good pass-1:0. Both teams attacked after the goal. On 26th minute Jovino Flamarion equalized the score -1:1. On 32nd minute Levan Kutalia gave a good pass with heel and Levan Shengelia kicked, although defender repelled. On 42nd minute Mikheil Alavidze repelled Shengelia’s kick from short distance. The first half finished with draw. The second half started with the priority of our team. On 60th minute Nodar Kavtaradze kicked. At first Alavidze repelled the ball and then door log saved our rival. After that Dinamo Batumi performed two dangerous free kicks. Jose Perales played perfectly in both episodes. On 82nd minute Arfang Daffe attacked alone, passed to Levan Kutalia who scored the second goal -2:1. Soon Daffe had chance to score with header, but missed the target. Finally, our team won the match and moved to the first place in the table. This is Dinamo’s seventh victory in turn.  Dinamo Tbilisi will play the next match on July 11 in Tbilisi on Europa League first qualifying stage.


Dinamo Tbilisi  2:1  Dinamo Batumi

Goal: Papava 4’  Flamarion 26’  Kutalia 82’

Booked: Kutalia 38’  Chaladze 44’  Kobakhidze 60’  Kobouri 63’ 


Dinamo Tbilisi: Perales, Iashvili, Mongil, Kobouri, Kimadze, Ninua, Papava, Kavtaradze (Kardava 86), Shulaia (Daffe 73), Shengelia, Kutalia

Dinamo Batumi: Alavidze, Gegetchkori, Kobakhidze, Gagoshidze, Chaladze, Teidi, Mamuchashvili (Iluridze 85), Ramos, Manjgaladze, Flamarion, Sabanadze (Dvalishvili 46)


Referee: I. Kvirikashvili

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