Victory against FC Torpedo

Today Dinamo Arena hosted Georgian derby. The guest team started the match actively and on the 3rd minute Jose Perales had to save his team. The match went on very interesting. On 30th minute Dmitro Ivanisenya opened the score after Levan Shengelia's pass. In response Torpedo created dangerous attack and Dinamo was saved from goal. After ten minutes from the first goal, Dinamo attacked again, Levan Shengelia passed and Levan Kutalia kicked, although ball overcame Torpedo's door. The first half finished with Dinamo's victory. Our rival started the second half actively and on 62nd minute Grigol Dolidze equalized the score. Dinamo had chance to score in seceral minutes, although Roin Kvaskhvadze repelled Levan Shengelia's kick. After that Nika Ninua played technically well, he passed seceral footballers but finally failed to score. On 78th minute Dinamo's massive attacks had result and Levan Shengelia scored the second goal after Nika Ninua's good pass. After that nothing has changed in the match and Dinamo defeated Torpedo with the score 2:1.

Dinamo 2:1 Torpedo

Goal: 1:0 Ivanisenya 30’ 1:1 Dolidze 62’ 2:1 Shengelia 78’

Booked: Perales 90’

Dinamo: Perales, Rukhaia, Mongil, Medioub, Kobouri (Iashvili 72), Ivanisenya, Papava (Kardava 75), Shulaia, Ninua (Zaria 81), Shengelia, Kutalia

Torpedo: Kvaskhvadze, Tsintsadze, Gigauri (Tchitchinadze 75), Kavtaradze, Tsikaridze (Kapanadze 68), Zivzivadze, Azatski, Gegetchkori, Dolidze (Luca 66), Kimadze, Kobakhidze

Referee: T. Rukhaia

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