Victory against Saburtalo

The match at Dinamo Arena started with a minute silence. Footballers and spectators paid condolences to people, who died in August war.

Simon Gbegnon and Nodar Iashvili missed the match because of trauma and Giorgi Kutsia had disqualification. The match started with Dinamo’s attack. On the fifth minute our team has passed two corners already. On 7th minute Barnes Osei had a good moment, but Oto Goshadze repelled. On 15th minute Levan Kharabadze’s kick finished with auto goal – 1:0. In the next episode Osei attacked, but Zoran Marusic couldn’t reach the ball in the end. The host team gained full priority and created several dangerous moments. On 38th minute Barnes Osie received ball from Fabian Sporkslede and kicked, but Goshadze repelled. On 41st minute Saburtalo’s counter attack finished with Dachi Tsnobiladze’s goal-1:1. Nothing has changed in the second half. Dinamo renewed the match with substitutions. Bakar Kardava and Tornike Morchiladze substituted Anzor Mekvabishvili and Levan Kharabadze. In several minutes Osei received the ball from Milan Radin and scored the second goal. On 60th minute our team missed a good chance. Nodar Kavtaradze appeared alone in front of Oto Goshadze and failed to score. On 70th minute Dinamo was saved from goal. At first Nika Mali kicked from long distance and crossbar saved our team and then Omar Migineishvili repelled Iuri Tabatadze’s kick.  On 72nd minute Dinamo academy footballer Giorgi Chkhetiani entered the field for the first time in the first team. On 88th minute Kakha Tskhadadze let one more academy player Giorgi Maisuradze on the field. Finally nothing has changed and Dinamo gained important 3 points.


Dinamo  2-1  Saburtalo

Goal: 1-0 Mandrichenko a.g. 14’  1-1 Tsnobiladze 41’  2-1 Osei 51’ 

Booked: Papava 8’  Radin 56’  Mali 69’  Sporkslede 85’ 


Dinamo: Migineishvili, Kobouri,, Papava, Khvadagiani, Mekvabishvili (Kardava 46), Radin (Gabedava 72), Kharabadze (Morchiladze 46), Sporkslede (Maisuradze 88), Kavtaradze (Chkhetiani 72), Osei, Marusic

Saburtalo: Goshadze, Kakubava, Mydrak, Mali, Jgerenaia, Oduko  (Tabatadze 63), Sh. Nonikashvili (Dzebniauri 63), Tsnobiladze, Mandrichenko (L. Ninukashvili 63), Shulaia (Guliashvili 78), Gocholeishvili (Kvernadze 78)


Referee : A.Nonikashvili

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