Dinamo defeated Dila - 2:1

Today Dinamo Arena hosted Erovnuli Liga postponed match between FC Dinamo Tbilisi and FC Dila Gori. This match should take place on March 14, but was cancelled due to heavy snow.


Our team started the match actively and scored the fast goal. In the second minute of the match, Dmitry Antilevskiy responded to Ousmane Camara's accurate pass, the Belarusian striker went in front of the Gori goalkeeper and opened the score with a technical kick. The match continued with the territorial advantage of Dinamo, Kakha Tskhadadze's team tried to strengthen the score, which it managed to do in the first half. The captain of our team performed a free kick near the penalty area. The score became 2-0 after Giorgi Papava's shot and the first half finished soon after.


In the second half, the opponent increased the attacks, which was followed by one goal. Although before that the hosts scored, but the referee fixed the penalty. Wagner Gonsalves made it 2-1 with a precise header from Wanderson Silva on the 62nd minute. After that, our team could score in several episodes and the most real moment was missed by Dinamo on the 85th minute. Tornike Kirkitadze passed and Camara failed to receive it and then Stanislav Bilenkyi kicked but door log saved Dila’s door. Eventually nothing changed and Dinamo gained another important victory. Kakha Tskhadadze's team will hold the next match on April 10 in Telavi.


Match protocol and lineups can be found here:   https://erovnuliliga.ge/ge/game/6075-dtb-dil


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