Sioni 1:4 Dinamo

The match in Rustavi on Poladi stadium finished with the victory of our team-1:4. Today Romanian legionary of Dinamo Dorin Goga scored the first goal of the match on seventh minute.  Tornike Aptsiauri from FC Sioni Bolnisi equalized the score on 16th minute-1:1. On 37th minute of the match Dorin Goga scored the second goal from penalty area. Dinamo players scored more two goals in the second half. Giorgi Merebashvili scored the third goal on 65th minute. On 78th minute Dorin Goga recorded the final result of the match-1:4. After 8 played matches Dinamo Tbilisi has 19 points and is the leader of XXV national championship time-table.

Sioni 1:4 Dinamo

Goals: 0:1 Goga 7’ 1:1 Aptsiauri 16’ 1:2 Goga 37’ Merebashvili 65’ 1:4 Goga 78’


Sioni: Batiashvili, Abramidze, Kemoklidze, Popkhadze, Aptsiauri (Chivadze 83’), Bibileishvili, Gogoberashvili, Imedashvili, Kakhelishvili, Samkharadze (Khuchua 73’), Akhalaia (Mikuchadze 62’)


Dinamo: Loria, Gvelesiani, Dzaria, Khmaladze, Kvaratskhelia, Seturidze, Merebashvili (Glisic 88’) Xisco (Vouho 76’) Dvali, Kvirkvelia, Goga (Grigalashvili 85’)


Booked: Abramidze 35’, Aptsiauri 73’-Goga 73’, Gvelesiani 75’


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