Dinamo-2 defeated FC Kakheti Telavi

Dinamo-2 played Pirveli Liga VIII round match at Vitali Daraselia Dinamo Football Academy artificial turf stadium. Today Dinamo-2 competed with FC Kakheti Telavi. Malkhaz Zhvania’s team won the match with the score 6:0.

Our players had priority during the whole match. They had chance to score on the first minutes of the match. On the 1st minute they failed to score when Tengiz Kitovani couldn’t kick exactly. On the 8th minute our players failed once more. Nika Diasamidze wasn’t able to kick exactly and the goalkeeper of our rival team kicked the ball on the corner. On 28th minute Gocha Lominadze from our rival team kicked from penalty area but our keeper Tornike Zarkua saved it and kicked on corner. On 30th minute Malkhaz Zhvania’s team scored the first goal. Lasha Shergelashvili kicked from left wing and Nika Diasamidze scored-1:0.

Dinamo-2 actively attacked its rival in the second half as well. In the beginning referee booked Giorgi Murvelashvili from FC Kakheti Telavi. After that Nika Diasamidze kicked from penalty area and scored the second goal on 52nd minute. On 59th minute goalkeeper of our rival team Gigo Abulashvili saved Bidzina Makharoblidze’s kick on corner. Lasha Shergelashvili gave pass to Otar Kakabadze who scored the third goal-3:0. Dinamo-2 players scored the next goal on 75th minute. Nika Makharoblidze became the author of the fourth goal-4:0. Budu Zivzivadze scored the fifth goal on 88th minute who substituted Shindagoridze-5:0. The final result of the match was recorded by Nika Diasamidze on 89th minute of the match. The match finished with the score 6:0 in favor of Dinamo-2.

Dinamo-2 6:0 Kakheti

Goals: 1:0 Diasamidze 30’

2:0 Diasamidze 52’ (pen.)

3:0 Kakabadze 60’

4:0 Makharoblidze 75’

5:0 Zivzivadze 88’

6:0 Diasamidze 89’

Dinamo-2: Zarkua, Kakabadze, Giorgi Lobzhanidze, Samkharadze, Shergelashvili, Sarishvili, Makharoblidze, Kitovani (Chechelashvili 68’), Jishkariani (Saba Lobzhanidze 46’), Diasamidze, Shindagoridze (Zivzivadze 59’)

Kakheti: Abulashvili (Bitskinashvili 80’), Murvelashvili, Lomidze, Varduashvili, Natroshvili (Khutsishvili 72’), Chitaladze, Begalishvili, Muradashvili, Noniashvili (Tsiskarauli 66’), Tkeshelashvili

Booked: Murvelashvili

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