Mertskhali 0:4 Dinamo-2

Dinamo-2 competed with FC Mertskhali Ozurgeti in Pirveli Liga IX round match. Malkhaz Zhvania’s team defeated the rival with the score 4:0. Both teams attacked in the first minutes of the match. On 21st minute our team scored the first goal. From left wing Lasha Shergelashvili kicked and keeper of our rival team couldn’t save his team-1:0.  Bidzina Makharoblidze could score on 44th and 45th minutes but his kick wasn’t exact.

Our players started to play more actively in the second half and scored on 52nd minute. Our team started the attack from left wing again and finally Budu Zivzivadze scored-2:0. On 76th minute Malkhaz Zhvania’s team scored another goal. Budu Zivzivadze performed double-3:0. The final result of the match was recorded on the last minute of the match. Saba Lobzhanidze scored-4:0.

After today’s match Dinamo-2 is on the 7th position with 13 points from 9 matches.

Mertskhali 0:4 Dinamo-2 


Goals: 0:1 Shergelashvili 21’  0:2 Zivzivadze 52’ 0:3 Zivzivadze 76’ 0:4 Saba Lobzhanidze 90’


Mertskhali: Murusidze, Kobuladze, Mekvabishvili, Karchiladze, Sergo (Gela) Chigogidze, Papava (Chkhaidze 70’), Khamashuridze, Surguladze (Sergo (Valeri) Chigogidze 57’), Kotrikadze, Jakeli (Atuashvili 46’), Khintibidze


Dinamo-2: Tkeshelashvili, Kakabadze, Giorgi Lobzhanidze (Bachiashvili 80’), Samkharadze, Shergelashvili, Sarishvili, Makharoblidze (Saba Lobzhanidze 65’), Chechelashvili, Jishkariani (Kitovani 74’), Diasamidze, Zivzivadze


Booked: Karchiladze 39’-Sarishvili 81’


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