Dinamo Tbilisi 6:0 Kolkheti Khobi

Dinamo Tbilisi played the second leg of Davit Kipiani Cup 1/8 final match at Dinamo arena against FC Kolkheti Poti. Dusan Uhrin’s team defeated the rival with the score 6:0.

Today Omar Migineishvili played for the first time in Dinamo Tbilisi. Our team scored the first goal on 15th minute of the match. Giorgi Gvelesiani scored with header-1:0. On 32nd minute of the match Giorgi Mikaberidze scored the second goal. In the end of the first half on 42nd minute Patrick Vouho scored the third goal-3:0.

On 52nd minute of the match our team scored again. Patrick Vouho became the author of the fourth goal-4:0. On 82nd minute Vouho performed hattrick-5:0. Dorin Goga recorded the final result of the match on 90th minute-6:0. Dinamo Tbilisi defeated FC Kolkheti Khobi with the score 15:0 on aggregate.

 Dinamo Tbilisi 6:0 Kolkheti Khobi

Goals: 1:0 Gvelesiani 15’

2:0 Mikaberidze 32’

3:0 Vouho 42’

4:0 Vouho 52’

5:0 Vouho 82’

6:0 Goga 90’

Dinamo: Migineishvili, Gvelesiani, Dzaria (Lekvtadze 46’), Glisic, Papava, Dvali (Goga 65’), Shashiashvili, Grigalashvili (Khmaladze 64’), Khurtsilava, Mikaberidze, Vouho

Kolkheti: Gelashvili, Giorgi Gogenia (Levan Gogenia 66’), Pipia, Gergaia, Bukia, Pachkoria, Mepishvili, Kote Gogenia, Tsobekhia (Pirtskhalava 74’), Kashibadze, Butskhrikidze (Gabrava 60’)

Booked: Goga 68’

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