The fifth victory in succession

Dinamo-2 played away match against FC Imereti Khoni in Pirveli Liga XI round match and defeated the rival with the score 2:1. This is the fifth victory of Malkhaz Zhvania’s team in succession.

The teams had transitional priority in the beginning of the match. Bothe teams created dangerous moments. On 19th minute our rival scored. Giorgi Tsagareishvili became the author of the goal.


Our team started the second half more actively. On 60th minute Dinamo-2 equalized the score. Buba Rukhadze scored. On 65th minute Bidzina Makharoblidze kicked for three times in a minute but goalkeeper of FC Imereti Sergo Meshvelia saved his team. On 86th minute our team scored the second goal. Levan Tkeshelashvili gave a good pass to Vazha Matiashvili on the right wing. He passed to Bidzina Makharoblidze and final Lasha Shergelashvili received a ball and scored-1:2.


Imereti 1:2 Dinamo-2 

Goals: 1:0 Tsagareishvili 19’

1:1 Rukhadze 60’

1:2 Shergelashvili 86’


Imereti: Meshvelia, Gabunia (Khaburdzania 78’), Managadze, Sadiliani, Gachechiladze, Babunashvili, Khvichia (Kiladze 70’), Kukhalashvili, Ashvetia, Tsagareishvili


Dinamo-2: Tkeshelashvili, Giorgi Lobzhanidze, Bachiashvili (japiashvili 80’), Otarashvili, Shergelashvili, Sarishvili, Makharoblidze, Kitovani (Chechelashvili 46’), Jishkariani (Matiashvili 56’), Rukhadze, Zivzivadze 


Booked:  Giorgi Lobzhanidze 27’, Jishkariani 51’ Shergelashvili 90’


After today’s match Dinamo-2 has 19 points gained from 11 matches and is on the fourth position in Pirveli Liga time-table.

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