Merani 0:2 Dinamo

Dinamo Tbilisi played Umaghlesi Liga XVIII round match in Samtredia against FC Merani Martvili. Our team defeated the rival with the score 0:2. Malkhaz Zhvania’s team got 3 points.

The first minutes of the match held at Erosi Manjgaladze stadium were tense. On the 9th minute Jaba Dvali kicked but not exactly. In return Jemal Gabunia from our rival team attacked but in vain. On 23rd minute our team scored. Spanish legionary Xisco Munoz gave pass to Giorgi Merebashvili who opened the score-0:1. On 30th minute Lasha Khuchukhidze attacked but our keeper played well. In the end of the first half our team had chance to score but Joni Sherozia saved his team.

The second half lasted with the priority of our team. On 52nd minute Dorin Goga tried to score and after him Xisco had an attempt but without result. Jaba Dvali had chance to score on 61st and 63rd minutes but in vain. On 72nd minute Darco Glisic recorded the final result of the match-0:2. During the last minutes of the match Patrick Vouho had chance to score but he couldn’t.


 Merani 0:2 Dinamo

Goals: 0:1 Merebashvili 23’

0:2 Glisic 72’


Merani: Sherozia, Meliava, Kuchukhidze, Poniava, Ghonghadze, babunashvili (Jghamaia 83’), Kerdzevadze, Khubua, Tsikolia (Khugua 71’), Gegechkori, Gabunia


Dinamo: Loria, Gvelesiani, Khmaladze, Kvaratskhelia, Merebashvili (Glisic 71’), Papava, Xisco (Vouho 80’), Dvali, Khurtsilava, Kvirkvelia, Goga (Seturidze 83’)


Booked: Kerdzevadze 5’, meliava 28’-Merebashvili 28’ Khurtsilava 35’ Dvali 53’ Khmaladze 59’




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