The first sparring in Turkey

Dinamo Tbilisi played the first sparring in Antalya against SK Sturm Graz and finished it with draw-1:1.

Our team had priority in the first half. On the 3rd minute Lobzhanidze kicked but goalkeeper saved our rival. Gvelesiani received ball from corner and kicked header but Kristian Gratzei repelled. He saved Sturm on 25th minute again when Spanish player Manuel tried to score. Our rival had one moment to score in the first half. Piesinger’s kick wasn’t exact. Soon Jighauri had chance to score but failed, but for the second time he scored. On 42nd minute Dinamo opened the score. The second half started aggressively. Edmonvon had several chances to score, but Hrdlicka defended his team. On 60th minute Edmonvon scored with penalty shot-1:1. In two minutes Guga and Totadze kicked, on 79th minute Hrdlicka played well. On 45th minute Chanturishvili failed to score. Finally the first test-match in Antalya finished with draw-1:1. Kakhi Gogichaishvili gave chance to every footballer. Rene Fereira didn’t play today as he trains individually. Goalkeepers Daushvili and Kulua, also Papunashvili, Chirgadze and Shergelashvili have micro traumas.

Dinamo: Hrdlicka, Kakabadze (Tabatadze 50), Gvelesiani (Japiashvili 73), Chanturia, Totadze, Tsintsadze (Mikeltadze 84), Bukoraci (Chanturishvili 70), Jighauri (Guga 67), Lobzhanidze (Janelidze 50), Parunashvili (Kiteishvili 62), Manuel (Ugulava 62)



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