Dinamo played draw in Martvili

Today national championship XXIII round match was held at Murtaz Khurtsilava stadium in Martvili. FC Dinamo Tbilisi competed with FC Merani.

The rain accompanied the whole match. Our team started to attack actively from the beginning and on 15th minute Giorgi Papunashvili scored from long distance-0:1. The match continued actively and in four minutes our rival equalized the score. Davit Tsitskhvaia scored-1:1. After that Dinamo started to attack more and on 34th minute Lasha Totadze kicked from penalty area but Giorgi Begashvili repelled the ball on corner. In four minutes Giorgi Chirgadze tried to score but goalkeeper saved his team again. On 43rd minute Otar Kakabadze passed to Vakho Tchanturishvili who received the ball with head and kicked but wasn’t exact. FC Dinamo started the second half actively. On 55th minute Vakho Tchanturishvili had chance to score but goalkeeper played well again. On 69th minute Papunashvili kicked after Giorgi Janelidze’s pass, but the ball went over the door. On 76th minute Manuel Onwu tried to score but goalkeeper repelled. In 10 minutes Begashvili saved his team once more when repelled one more kick of Manuel Onwu. Finally in spite of Dinamo’s big priority the match finished with draw-1:1.

Merani 1:1 Dinamo

Goal: 0:1 Papunashvili 15’ 1:1 Tsitskhvaia 19’

Booked: Tchanturishvili 45’ Poiniava 58’ Lomashvili 65’

Merani: Begashvili, Meliava, Orbeladze, Lomashvili, Kiknavelidze, Poniava, Jghamaia (Tskarozia 56’), Shulaia, Gegechkori, Pipia (Tsurtsumia 87’), D. Tsitskhvaia (Lomia 65’)

Dinamo: Daushvili, Kakabadze, Gvelesiani, Totadze, Shergelashvili, Tsintsadze, Parunashvili, Papunashvili, Kiteishvili (Volkov 77’), Tchanturishvili (Janelidze 67’), Chirgadze (Manuel 58’)

Referee: L. Silagava



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