FC Dinamo Tbilisi defeated FC Tskhinvali

Today Davit Kipiani Georgian Cup semi-final first leg match was held at Dinamo Arena in which Kakha Gogichaishvili’s team hosted FC Tskhinvali and defeated the rival with the score 2:0.

Our team gained territorial and game priority from the beginning and kept till the end of the match. On 15th minute Lasha Parunashvili kicked from good position but failed to score. On 19th minute Otar Kiteishvili tried to score after Vakho Tchanturishvili gave him a good pass, although he was stopped and Mate Tsintsadze scored with penalty-1:0. Rati Tsatskrialashvili was active from FC Tskhinvali but in vain. In the second half Davit Volkov entered the field for the first time in Dinamo first team instead of Giorgi Chirgadze and scored his first goal. On 79th minute Matse Tsintsadze gave pass to Otar Kakabadze on right wing, Davit Volkov received the ball and scored-2:0. Dinamo was active during the last minutes. Giorgi Papunashvili, Giorgi Janelidze and Davit Volkov could score but Giorgi Nadiradze played well and saved his team. Finally the first leg semi-final match finished with our victory-2:0.

Dinamo 2:0 Tskhinvali

Goal: 0:1 Tsintsadze (pen) 20’ 2:0 Volvok 79’

Booked: Gvelesiani 51’ Shergelashvili 54’ Tsertsvadze 90’

Dinamo: Daushvili, Tabatadze, Rene, Gvelesiani, Shergelashvili, Tsintsadze, Parunashvili, Papunashvili, Tchanturishvili, Kiteishvili, Chirgadze

Tskhinvali: Nadiradze, Shindagoridze, Makharoblidze, Tarkhnishvili, Kilasonia, Jishkariani, Tsatskrialishvili, Kachkachishvili, Kardava, Ivanishvili, Tsertsvadze

Referee: D. Kharitonashvili



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