Victory in another sparring match

Gia Geguchadze’s team played another sparring match at Dighomi training ground before the new season. Our team competed with FC Tskhinvali. Otar Kiteishvili scored the only goal of the match on 25th minute. Young forward scored after Aleksandre Iashvili passed him. 2 minutes before the captain could score himself but door bar saved FC Tskhinvali. In the beginning of the match Volkov appeared in front of goalkeeper but keeper saved his team. In the second half Giorgi Kvilitaia played technically well but Omar Migineishvili reached the ball on the last minute. After corner kick Zaza Chelidze could score but the bar saved the team again. Finally the match finished with the victory of host team 1:0.

Dinamo 1:0 Tskhinvali

Goal: Kiteishvili 25’

Dinamo: Begashvili, Tvildiani (Kakabadze 46), Gvelesiani (Chelidze 46), Rene, Guruli (Tevzadze 46), Parunashvili (Tsintsadze 46), Janelidze, Tchanturishvili, Kiteishvili (Jighauri 46), Iashvili (Lobzhanidze 46), Volkov (Kvilitaia 46)

Tskhinvali: Nadiradze, Tsertsvadze, Kakubava, Kachkachishvili, Bachiashvili, Lobzhanidze, Makharoblidze, Kardava, Lekvtadze, Tsatskrialashvili, Kacharava

Substitutes: Migineishvili, Jishkariani, Chapodze, Kochladze, Ghvaberidze, Burdenadze, Gigauri, Bolkvadze



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