Victory in the first sparring

Today FC Dinamo Tbilisi that is on the camp in Belek played the first sparring against RNK Split. The match appeared to be very interesting and our team won with the score 1:0. Jaba Jighauri scored on 17th minute. Giorgi Kvilitaia and Nikoloz Gelashvili created dangerous moments for several times during the match but didn’t score. Libor Hrdlicka saved his team twice. Finally the match finished with logical result. Dinamo will play the next sparring on February 4 against FC Bate.

Dinamo 1:0 Split

Goal: 1:0 Jighauri 17’

Dinamo: Hrdlicka, Gvelesiani, Amisulashvili (Tchelidze 46), U.Lobzhanidze (Kiteishvili 46), Guruli, Tsintsadze (Tsintsadze 46), Parunashvili (S.Lobzhanidze 73), Jighauri, Tchanturishvili (Gelashvili 66), Iashvili (Jaja 46), Kvilitaia (Arabuli 46)



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