Victory in Georgian derby

Today Dinamo Arena hosted national championship 23rd round match that was 61st Georgian derby at the same time. National championship leader hosted FC Torpedo Kutaisi and defeated the rival with the score 2:1.

The host team started the match actively and Nikoloz Gelashvili could score in the beginning. On 14th minute Gelashvili and Jighauri made a good combination but Jaba failed to score on the last minute. In a minute Jigahuri kicked with header and the goalkeeper saved Torpedo. In three minutes Torpedo attacked dangerously. Tornike Kapanadze kicked from short distance. On 31st minute Dinamo started fast counter attack, Gelashvili passed to Kiteishvili, Oto kicked but a bit inexactly. Five minutes before the end of the first half Gelashvili attacked alone and scored 1:0. In the second half Aleksandre Iashvili created the first dangerous moment but Kvilitaia repelled it. In the next episode Giorgi Gvelesiani played well and saved his team. On 59th minute Kvilitaia substituted Gelashvili and before that Nika attacked dangerously once more. In the middle of the second half the match speed lowered a bit. On 79th minute penalty was appointed against Dinamo. Giorgi Kukhianidze kicked exactly and equalized the score. After this goal Juraj Jarabek moved team on attack and three defenders. Dinamo attacked during the last minutes of the match. During additional time Torpedo’s door log repelled Jaba Jigahuri’s kick. Bachana Arabuli received the ball, passed to Jigahuri and Giorgi Kukhianidze was booked against him. Referee appointed penalty and Kvilitaia kicked exactly 2:1. Finally FC Dinamo Tbilisi gained another three points.

Dinamo 2:1 Torpedo

Goal: 1:0 Gelashvili 40’ 1:1 Kukhianidze (pen) 79’ 2:1 Kvilitaia (pen) 90+4’

Booked: Iashvili 42’ Mirtskhulava 51’ Tevzadze 68’ Klimiashvili 86’

Sent off: Mirtskhulava 90+4’

Dinamo: Hrdlicka, U.Lobzhanidze, Gvelesiani, Amisulashvili, Tevzadze (Arabuli 83), Parunashvili, Jighauri, Kiteishvili, Tchanturishvili, Iashvili (Tchelidze 75), Gelashvili (G.Kvilitaia 59)

Torpedo: M.Kvilitaia, Tabatadze, Tchitchinadze, Mirtskhulava, Mamasakhlisi (Purtskhvanidze 71), Saghrishvili (Tughushi 75), Kapanadze, Kukhianidze, Shindagoridze, Kimadze, Bregvadze (Klimiashvili 62)

Referee: G.Vadatchkoria



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