Zugdidi 2:3 Dinamo

Today national championship XX round match took place in Samtredia at Erosi Manjgaladze stadium. FC Zugdidi hosted FC Dinamo Tbilisi. The gust team started the match with Bachana Arabuli’s good moment on 9th minute. In response, Samushia tried to score. On 18th minute Dinamo opened the score. Aleksandre Iashvili and Otar Kiteishvili kicked from corner; Bachana Arabuli received the ball and scored. The teams started to play more actively. On 23rd minute Evgeni Kovalenko had chance to score but the ball overcame Dinamo’s door. On 31st minute Soso Malania equalized the score and the first half finished with the score 1:1. The match was renewed with Zugdidi’s attack and Giorgi Kvilitaia’s kick but no goals were scored. On 52nd minute Aleksandre Iashvili kicked from left wing and Zaza Tchelidze kicked exactly with header. On 66th minute Iuri Shevel equalized the score 2:2. In two minutes Ucha Lobzhanidze failed to score. In the next episode our team kicked from corner. Jaba Jighauri received the ball from Aleksandre Iashvili and scored the third goal. In the end of the match Otar Kiteishvili attacked and had a good chance to score. Finally Dinamo won the hard match with the score 3:2, gathered 55 points and has 14 points more than its future rival FC Dila Gori.

Zugdidi 2:3 Dinamo

Goal: 0:1 Arabuli 18’ 1:1 Malania 31’ 1:2 Tchelidze 52’ 2:2 Shvel 66’ 2:3 Jighauri 70’

Booked: U.Lobzhanidze 26’ Tevzadze 30’ Machaidze 51’ Amisulashvili 55’ Kiria 90+2’ Kiteishvili 90+3’

Zugdidi: Jomidava, Machaidze, Chekura, Gagoshidze, Chanadiri, Tkemaladze, Malania (Kiria 59), Sikharulia (Lashkhia 68), Kovalenko, Kobalia (Shevel 60)

Dinamo: Begashvili, Tevzadze (Guruli 58), Amisulashvili, Gvelesiani, U.Lobzhanidze, Tchelidze, Jighauri, Kiteishvili, Arabuli (Janelidze 71), Iashvili (Rene 84), Kvilitaia

Referee: G.Kruashvili



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