Loss in Samtredia

Champion of Georgia FC Dinamo Tbilisi visited Samtredia. Erosi Manjgaladze stadium was full of people. The match started actively. Mikel Alvaro kicked well on the first minute, after that Budu Zivzivadze kicked but inexactly.  On 10th minute Dinamo kicked from corner and Lasha Parunashvili attacked the penalty area and kicked although couldn’t score. On 18th minute Givi Ioseliani benefited from the mistake of Dinamo’s defense and scored the first goal. In the middle of the first half our team had to make substitution and Zaza Tchelidze entered the field instead of Rene Fereira who was injured. On 29th minute Dinamo equalized the score. Vakho Tchanturishvili kicked exactly, the ball touched door log and appeared in the net. In the beginning of the second half Giorgi Tevzadze had a good chance but was a bit inexact. On 56th minute Davit Jikia scored from long distance 2:1. In several minutes Dinamo had a good chance, although defender prevented Mikel Alvaro from kicking. Before that Juraj Jarabek brought reserve team bombardier Beka Mikeltadze on the field. After several minutes he kicked inexactly from short distance. 10 minutes before finishing the match referee sent off Nikoloz Gelashvili. On 85th minute Omar Migineishvili repelled Beka Mikeltadze’s kick on corner. On 88th minute referee showed second yellow card to Beka Mikeltadze and Dinamo was left with 9 footballers. In the end the match referee sent two more footballers from the field. Otar Kakabadze and Giorgi Akhaladze argued with each other and they both left the field. Finally the match finished with the score 2:1. FC Dinamo Tbilisi will play the next match in Sachkhere against FC Chikhura on May 5.

Samtredia 2:1 Dinamo

Goal: 1:0 Ioseliani 18’ 1:1 tchanturishvili 29’ 2:1 Jikia 56’

Booked: U.Lobzhanidze 44’ Alvaro 45’ Mchedlishvili 74’ Mikeltadze 74’ 88’ Tvalavadze 90+3’

Sent off: Gelashvili 79’ Mikeltadze 88’ Kakabadze 90+7’ Akhaladze 90+7’

Samtredia: Migineishvili, Mchedliashvili, Sandokhadze, Gogiashvili, Shergelashvili, Tsnobiladze ©, Razhamashvili, Ioseliani (Sikharulidze 77), Markozashvili (Akhaladze 84), Jikia (Mtivlishvili 90), Zivzivadze

Dinamo: Hrdlicka, U.Lobzhanidze ©, Gvelesiani, Rene (Tchelidze 25), Kakabadze, Parunashvili, Tevzadze (Mikeltadze 59), Tchanturishvili, Alvaro, Kvilitaia (Arabuli 67), Gelashvili

Referee: A.Nonikashvili



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