Dinamo’s loss with Chikhura

National championship VIII round match took place at Dinamo Arena. FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted FC Chikhura. The match started unfortunately for Dinamo. On 4th minute Irakli Lekvtadze finished Chikhura’s attack with goal. In response, Giorgi Papunashvili kicked but goalkeeper received the ball. The first 30 minutes went on with Dinamo’s priority but without dangerous moments. On 34th minute defender badly repelled Ucha Lobzhanidze’s kick from right wing and Vladimer Dvalishvili equalized the score 1:1. Our team continued to attack and soon Giorgi Tevzadze kicked but missed the target. Although Chikhura played well on counter attack and Ivanishvili scored the second goal. Vakho Tchanturishvili attacked in response, but Dino Hamzic played well. The first half finished with Mate Tsintsadze’s kick from corner and second half started with Giorgi Papunashvili’s inexact kick from short distance. On 53rd minute Giorgi Tevzadze and Giorgi Ivanishvili had good moments. In a minute Giorgi Lomaia saved Dinamo from Ivanishvili’s good kick. In spite of Dinamo’s attack nothing has changed. Our team will play the next match on October 15 in Lanchkhuti against FC Guria.

Dinamo 1:2 Chikhura

Goal: 0:1 Lekvtadze 4’ 1:1 Dvalishvili 34’ 1:2 Ivanishvili 40’

Booked: Lobzhanidze 65’ Tchanturishvili 68’ Rekhviahvili 68’

Dinamo: Lomaia, Lobzhanidze, Amisulashvili, Tchelidze, Tevzadze, Tsintsadze (Velev 66), Parunashvili, Tchanturishvili, Papunashvili, Kiteishvili (Jighauri 64), Dvalishvili (Liluashvili 73)

Chikhura: Hamzic, Grigalashvili, Kashia, Rekhviashvili, Ganugrava, Sardalishvili (Dekanoidze 87), Koripadze, Dobrovolski, Lekvtadze (Ganugrava 76), Tatanashvili, Ivanishvili (Gorgiashvili 82)

Referee: Lasha Silagava



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