Dinamo 0:3 PAOK

UEFA Europa League play-off match was held at Dinamo Arena. FC Dinamo Tbilisi hosted PAOK FC. Our team started the match actively and JabaJighauri and Giorgi Papunashvili attacked in the beginning. On 15th minute VakhoTchanturishvilikcked. Before that UchaLobzhanidze played tactically well. In two minutes Jighauri had chance to score but defender repelled. On 20th minute our rival kicked from corner and scored the first goal. Leo Matos scored. After the goal Dinamo started playing more actively. At first Glykos repelled Jighauri’s technical kick and them Amisulashvili had an effort on goal.  On 36th minute Papunashvili attacked but missed the target. In the beginning of the second half Djalma benefited from the inattentiveness of defenders but missed the target. On 50th minute Scribe saved Dinamo from Rodrigues’s kick. After several unsuccessful attacks JurajJarabek substituted Giorgi Papunashvili with VladimerDvalishvili and Mate Tsintsadze with Mikel Alvaro. On 71st minute our team let the second goal. Crespo scored. After that JabaJighauri kicked from long distance but goalkeeper repelled on corner on the last minute. On 79th minute OtarKiteishvili attacked although PAOK’s defender played better. On 84th minute Biseswar attacked from left wing and kicked. Finally Pereyra scored the third goal. On the last minute Jighauri attacked and kicked, but goalkeeper repelled. The second leg match will take place on August 25 in Thessaloniki.

Dinamo 0:3 PAOK

Goal: 0:1 Leo Matos 20’ 0:2 Crespo 71’ Pereyra 83’

Booked:Leo Matos 56’ Rene Santos 69’ Parunashvili 77’


Dinamo: Scribe, Lobzhanidze (Tevzadze 58). Amisulashvili, Rene, Tchelidze, Tsintsadze (Alvaro 70), Parunashvili, Tchanturishvili, Jighauri, Kiteishvili, Papunashvili (Dvalishvili 63)


PAOK:Glykos, Leo Matos, Leovac, Charisis (Canas 46), Djalma Campos (Pereyra 81), Crespo, Cimirot, Garry Mendes Rodrigues, Shakhov (Biseswar 68), Tzavellas, Athanasiadis


Referee:LiranLiany (Israel)




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