Dinamo defeated Torpedo - 1:0

Ramaz Shengelia stadium in Kutaisi hosted Georgian derby. Squad of our team mainly consisted with young footballers. Nika Ninua played for the first team. Davit Kikalishvili, Beka Kavtaradze, Giorgi Kutsia and Tamaz Babunadze were among substitutes. The host team started the match actively and created the first dangerous moment. Tornike Kapanadze kicked from short distance but missed the target. After that Dinamo improved the game. On 19th minute Dinamo had a real chance to score. Giorgi Zaria and Beka Mikeltadze created good combination and finally Mikeltadze kicked but door log saved Torpedo. Soon Jaba Jighauri attacked twice. In the first episode goalkeeper repelled on corner, for the second time ball overcame Torpedo's door. On 31st minute Giorgi Zaria scored his first goal 0:1. On 42nd minute Giorgi Lomaia played well when repelled Tornike Kapanadze's kick from short distance. Both teams started the second half actively. On 58th minute Torpedo attacked. Vazha Tabatadze kicked but missed the target. In response Giorgi Chakvetadze passed to Jaba Jighauri, but goalkeeper played well. On 78th minute Tornike Kapanadze kicked with header but missed the target. During additional time Kapanadze attacked again but couldn't change anything and the match finished with the victory of Dinamo 0:1. Dinamo is on the second place in white group and will compete with FC Saburtalo on November 30 in bronze play off. 
Torpedo 0:1  Dinamo
Goal: 0:1 Zaria 31’ 
Booked: Palavandishvili 44’  Tchanturishvili 58’  Chakvetadze 68’ 
Torpedo: Kvilitaia, Tabatadze, Chichinadze, Falavandishvili, Sagirashvili (Babunashvili 57),Kapanadze, Kimadze, Burjanadze (Kvernadze 63), Guruli, Benashvili (Tsilosani 71), Tugishi.
Dinamo: Lomaia, Lochoshvili, Khubutia, Chelidze, Kobouri, Ninua (Chakvetadze 61), Chanturishvili (Kutsia 88), Kiteishvili, Jigauri, Zaria, Mikeltadze (Tevzadze 81).
Referee: Lasha Silagava

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