Victory with FC Guria

Today Georgian 28th national championship IX round match was held in Lanchkhuti. Heavy rain accompanied the match between FC Guria and FC Dinamo Tbilisi. In the beginning Guria’s forward Diniz kicked but missed the target. In several minutes Jaba Jighauri had a good moment and he kicked, although Luka Nozadze saved his team. In the next episode Jighauri missed the target. Soon Dinamo gained territorial priority. On 24th minute Guria played on counter attack but Nukri Revishvili took the ball. In few minutes Revishvili repelled Davit Megrelishvili’s kick as well.  In response Rati Imerlishvili repelled Mate Tsintsadze’s kick. In the end of the first half Revishvili played very well and after that referee sent of Rene Santos and Giorgi Papunashvili. During the break Giorgi Chedia received red card in dressing room. The second half seemed to be very difficult but Dinamo solved the problem. Guria attacked but couldn’t realize its moments, and Dinamo created four god moments. From them two finished with goals. On 49th minute Vladimer Dvalishvili scored the first goal and on 72nd minute Zaza Tchelidze increased the score. Finally the match finished with Dinamo’s victory 2:0. Our team will play the next match on October 19 on Georgian Cup against FC Locomotive at Dinamo Arena.

Guria 0:2 Dinamo


Goal: 0:1 Dvalishvili 49’ 0:2 Tchelidze 72’


Booked: Revishvili 25’ Kiteishvili 42’ Tcheishvili 42’ Tsintsadze 77’


Sent off: Rene 45’ Papunashvili 45’ Tchedia 45’  


Guria: Imerlishvili, Tcheishvili, Nozadze, Chaduneli, Tchetchelashvili (Stepanishvili 55), Morozenko, Kirkitadze, Megrelishvili, Tchedia, Diniz (Oliviera 50), Murashov


Dinamo: Revishvili, Tchelidze, Khubutia, Amisulashvili, Rene, Tsintsadze, Parunashvili (Tevzadze 88), Jighauri, Kiteishvili (Velev 46), Papunashvili, Dvalishvili (Mikeltadze 67)


Referee: Goga Kikacheishvili



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