Dinamo 1:2 Arsenal

FC Dinamo Tbilisi played fourth friendly match in Belek. FC Arsenal Tul competed with our team. The match was interesting and hard. Not many moments were created during the match. During the first half Aleksandrov kicked but ball overcame Dinamo’s door. After that Dinamo gained game priority. On 35th minute Giorgi Papunashvili attacked but defenders saved Arsenal. Bakar Kardava also kicked but Gabulov repelled. Nothing interesting happened in the first half. Arsenal created the first dangerous moment in the second half. Giorgi Begashvili repelled Shevchenko’s kick on corner. On 64th minute Dinamo scored with nice combination. Giorgi Chakvetadze passed to Beka Mikeltadze on the left wing, who kicked. Gabulov couldn’t reach the ball and Giorgi Kutsia kicked immediately 1:0. In several minutes both teams created dangerous moments. At first Gorbatenko kicked header but a bit inexactly and then Zaria, Chakvetadze and Mikeltadze created good combination, although defender saved our rival on the last minute. The last 10 minutes of the second half went on with the priority of our rival and Dinamo let 2 goals. On 79th minute Shevchenko equalized the score. During the lasts seconds of the match Shevchenko changed the direction of ball, it touched Totadze and went straight into door. The match finished. Dinamo will play the last match of the camp on February 28 against FC Abdysh-Ata Kant. On March 1 Dinamo will leave for Georgia. 

Goals: 1:0 Kutsia 64’ 1:1 Shevchenko 79’ 1:2 Totadze (auto-goal) 90’

Dinamo: Litovchenko, Salukvadze, Lochoshvili, Totadze, Mishenko, Kardava, Zaria, Kiteishvili, Papunashvili, Mikeltadze, Arabuli

Substitutes: Begashvili, Ninua, Chakvetadze, Kutsia, Kvernadze

Arsenal: Gabulov, Ivanov, Sunzu, Vergara, Kombarov, Belyaev, Bourceanu, Gorbatenko Burmistrov, Aleksandrov, Rasic

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